
VS Energy group companies have donated 91 million hryvnia to the defense needs of Ukraine

VS Energy group companies have donated 91 million hryvnia to the defense needs of Ukraine

The VS Energy group of companies, which owns Khersonoblenergo, Zhytomiroblenergo, Kirovogradoblenergo, Chernivtsyoblenergo and Rivnooblenergo, has provided financial assistance in the amount of 91 million UAH to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial communities, military administrations and volunteer organizations during the two years since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.

Rivneoblenergo: "We responsibly pay taxes, contribute to the state budget, work for victory!"

Rivneoblenergo: "We responsibly pay taxes, contribute to the state budget, work for victory!"

Fulfilling the budget, reliably paying taxes is a business help to the country to resist the Russian invasion and bring Ukraine's victory closer.

ChernivtsiOblenergo delivers FPV drones to their colleagues serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

ChernivtsiOblenergo delivers FPV drones to their colleagues serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

ChernivtsiOblenergo collects funding and delivers FPV drones to their colleagues serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Engineers of ZhitomirOblenergo are producing buggies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Engineers of ZhitomirOblenergo by using their knowledge and contrivance are producing buggies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

VS Energy group companies are continuing to invest in power grids.

VS Energy group companies are continuing to invest in power grids.

Group companies in war time situation are continuing to invest in electrical power grids in order to prevent emergency shutdowns in winter.

VS Energy's group company - "Zhytomyroblenergo" has delivered the aid to armed forces in Bakhmut

On March 11, representatives of "Zhytomyroblenergo" went to Bakhmut to deliver the prepared aid cargo there

Заява акціонера групи ВС Енерджі Віліса Дамбінса

«Санкції порушують наше право на юридичне змагання у суді»

Specialists of our company Zhitomiroblenergo provide assistance to our colleagues in Khersonoblenergo

Specialists of our company Zhitomiroblenergo provide assistance to our colleagues in Khersonoblenergo

March 21,2023
Specialists of our company Zhitomiroblenergo provide assistance to our colleagues in Khersonoblenergo
Oleksiy Sheketa, chairman of the board of the VS Group company - Zhitomiroblenergo, talks about help in the restoration of power lines in the Kherson region and the situation in Ukrainian energy in a TV 3 report

AS Khersonoblenergo Needs EUR 6.4 million (UAH 270 million) in International Aid to Restore Electricity in the Kherson Oblast

As a result of Russian shelling, 77 populated areas in the Kherson Oblast and over 35,500 consumers remain without electricity.

A Power Engineer from Rivne Talks about his Working Trip to the Liberated Region of Kherson

Since October 2022, the energy workers of the Rivne Oblast have been continually occupied working to restore power in the liberated provinces of Kherson Oblast.

Ukrainian State Awards are Awarded to VS Energy Employees

At the end of December, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, presented state awards to energy sector personnel.

Vilis Dambiņš and Other Latvian Entrepreneurs – Help for Ukraine During the War

The world has been shaken by Russia's military aggression and united in the desire to provide aid to the victims.

VS Energy's Support in the War Against the Occupiers: Help for Ukrainian Business

Such is the tragic nature of events currently happening in Ukraine that everyone who is not indifferent is contributing.

Specialists from the VS Energy conglomerate will Start the Process of Restoring Electricity to the Liberated City of Kherson

"As soon as they have been liberated, we are immediately restoring electricity to all populated areas in the Kherson Oblast after receiving permission from the armed forces, which we are required to do.

Rivneoblenergo Shareholders Declare their Full Support for the Rivne Oblast

Cooperation with the authorities must be strengthened in order to assist rescuers in the work during the extremely difficult winter period in war conditions.

VS Energy has Paid Over UAH 1 Billion in Taxes to Ukraine

During the first three quarters of 2022, five Ukrainian regional electricity distribution companies, which are part of the VS Energy conglomerate, paid nearly UAH 1.2 billion in taxes

Vilis Dambiņš: Losses Incurred by Khersonoblenergo due to Russia's Invasion Come to Over UAH 2 billion

According to initial data, 30% of Khersonblenergo's assets have been destroyed or stolen by the Russians.

VS Energy is Providing More Than UAH 68 Million in Charitable Support for the Defence of the State

Since the start of the Russian invasion, the VS Energy conglomerate, the holding company that owns Khersonoblenergo, Zhytomyroblenergo, Kirovohradoblenergo, Chernihivoblenergo and Rivneoblenergo, has provided over UAH 68 million

VS Energy Shareholder: Russia Must be Held Liable for the War against Ukraine

Reflecting on the death of another VS Energy employee, one of the group's shareholders Vilis Dambiņš has reiterated that Russia's atrocities in Ukraine are a global crime

VS Energy International Ukraine General-Director Ihor Sudak: the Energy Sector Must Continue to Operate Safely During Warfare

In an exclusive interview, VS Energy International Ukraine CEO Ihor Sudak talked about the challenges facing Ukraine's energy system

VS Energy is a group of electricity distribution network
companies that provides reliable electricity distribution in
five regions of Ukraine.
