
Companies are Performing all Technical Measures to Ensure Stable Operations

Since the start of the war, numerous employees have been drafted into the Ukrainian Armed Forces and become part of the territorial defence.

Despite this, companies with available personnel are taking all technical measures to maintain stable operations, keeping in constant touch with the regulatory authorities responsible the Ukrainian electricity industry, and implementing their decisions. 

Military operations are ongoing on the territory of some enterprises. Employees are repairing and restoring electrical networks, they are exposed to various fire hazards, and are risking their lives. Unfortunately, there are already the first victims. We express our condolences to the victims' families and teams. 

At the same time, all the conglomerate's companies are ready to continue operating exclusively in the interests of the Ukrainian state, to take all necessary measures to guarantee sustainable electricity distribution through the company's networks and the safe supply of electricity to consumers, as well as to provide all possible support, including financial assistance, to the Ukrainian army, and do all they can on the ground to speed up Ukraine's victory in this war.

We believe in victory!

Glory of Ukraine! / Slava Ukraini!

VS Energy is a group of electricity distribution network
companies that provides reliable electricity distribution in
five regions of Ukraine.
