
A Power Engineer from Rivne Talks about his Working Trip to the Liberated Region of Kherson

Since October 2022, the energy workers of the Rivne Oblast have been continually occupied working to restore power in the liberated provinces of Kherson Oblast.

Occasionally, they must work 30 kilometres away from the combat zone, but even here the biggest danger is deliberately concealed mines. Vasiliy Yarema, the Head of Rivneoblenergo's distribution network operation service, has agreed to tell Suspilne about the events of recent months. 

In honour of Power Engineer's Day, which is celebrated every year on December 22, Suspilne asked a specialist about the work of Rivne Oblast's power engineering teams, and what we can do to help power engineers keep light in people's homes.

The involvement of the first crews

The first brigade from the Rivne Oblast went to Kherson Oblast on October 10. 

"Kherson had not yet been fully liberated. We, the Rivne high-voltage grid team, went there to restore the power systems in the northern part of Kherson Oblast. The company provided us with all we needed in the form of transport, fuel, materials, and products. We had no idea where we were going and what we were going to do, but in the end we did the job we were sent there to do," says Vasiliy Yarema. In light of his previous experience resolving similar emergency situations in Kyiv and Rivne oblasts, Vasiliy Yarema was tasked with coordinating the teams' operations in Kherson Oblast.

What was the work like and was there any danger?

Vasiliy Yarema's team of craftsmen, drivers, and fitters were involved in the restoration of power lines. "We were not under fire as such, but when we arrived for the first time, the battle zone was within a 30-kilometer radius, so we were constantly working to the sound of cannons. At first, it was worrying, but eventually we got used to it and no longer paid any attention to it," recalls Yarema. The power engineer adds that SES services always worked close at hand. "We rebuilt these lines in places where there were hostilities, so were constantly in proximity to all these explosives. As a result, we were constantly working together with explosives experts. 

Nobody was allowed to enter the work area before they checked it. We could only drive in the equipment and start work when the survey corridors had been created," says Vasiliy Yarema. 

According to the energy expert, the biggest danger was posed by the mines that the Russian troops had placed in advance. 

"When a piece of a missile is just lying there, you can see it. There have been cases when we eliminated triple mines and mines that were in our work area. In instances like these, the inspection is performed with utmost care and attention, and, therefore, the inspection time of the areas where we had to work increased accordingly," says Yarema.

The welcome we received from local residents

"Throughout the period from October to December in the territory of Kherson Oblast, where I was, I did not encounter a single bad person. They always helped us – helping us to set up temporary housing, cook food and repair equipment – we were always treated decently and met sincere people, both colleagues from Khersonoblenergo and local residents. 

The most satisfying aspect was that people just came up and thanked us for our work. It was very pleasant to see how villages are being restored, life is coming back, shops are opening, and thanks to the light, a lot of civilian cars are appearing," says the specialist. 

During the third stage, three high-voltage line crews from Rivne, and distribution grid crews from Dubno and Mlynove were working. 

"The distribution grid teams are working to restore the direct electricity supply to villages. We continued to work in the provinces of Vysokopil and Novovorontsova. We have already restored more than 15 kilometres of 35 kilovolt lines. As a result, we were able to activate two substations, which in turn meant that ten residential places could be supplied with light," adds Yarema.

On impressions from the liberated region of Kherson

"Upon entering a residential area and seeing that a village has been completely destroyed, the initial impression is depressing. Every single building in the settlements had been destroyed. All the houses were damaged by explosions. While driving along the road, we could see craters on the asphalt, and you have to drive around them. We saw burned out equipment, both military and civilian. The wheat had not been cut, it had burned. When we reached our colleagues in Vysokopilya, all the generating buildings were nearly destroyed, and all the generating equipment had been destroyed. No matter, we will get used to it later on and, in the meantime, just do our job," said Yarema. 

According to Yarema, there has been no electricity in the areas where the power engineers of the Rivne Oblast have been working since March. 

"The very fact that light appeared in their settlements was a great accomplishment. I am currently in contact with my colleagues, unfortunately the schedules affect everyone, including them," adds Yarema.

What determines the situation in regarding to electricity outages in each region?

"There are things that make us turn off the light, regardless of our wishes. And when you talk to people who have been without electricity, heat or gas for eight months, they seem to have even more humanity, and they talk about it calmly. Now if we look at those people who raise the issue of not having light for four hours, I don't understand them. We have to be patient and everything will be fine," says the power engineer.

How can we save light and help power engineers?

It is the simultaneous activation of heavy-duty devices that irks power engineers the most. "This is when our grids fail, the fuses blow, once again the power is cut, and our crews have to go to restore it. So we ask all consumers: before turning on the electricity according to schedule, please turn off all appliances that have a heavy load like boilers, irons and fridges. When the electricity has been turned on, please wait for 15-20 minutes and then switch on the devices one by one," explains the power engineer.

VS Energy is a group of electricity distribution network
companies that provides reliable electricity distribution in
five regions of Ukraine.
